How to Drive a Car | Tips for Winter Driving
Knowing how to drive a car in winter is an essential skill when turning and stopping. Take your foot off the brake before a curve to safely make the turn.
Knowing how to drive a car in winter is an essential skill when turning and stopping. Take your foot off the brake before a curve to safely make the turn.
There are simple things you can do to reduce the risks for your teen as they learn how to drive a car. There are no do-overs in driving a car.
For teens learning how to drive a car the “Steer Clear Driver Program” is more than a safe driver discount it’s an opportunity to improve driving skills.
Awareness campaigns to teens as they learn how to drive a car, combined with other preventive measures can decrease the amount of drowsy driving crashes.
When teens learn to drive they can deepen their understanding of how to drive a car safely by hearing the stories of mistakes made by others when driving a car.
Experience in how to drive a car safely is acquired with practice. Parents need to practice driving a car with their teen as well as provide a good example.
Toyota has a front seatbelt air bag and Ford, a rear seatbelt system. Making a habit wearing a seatbelt is critical for new drivers learning how to drive a car.
A news item about teens who did not learn how to drive a car safely and how not to take foolish risks like not wearing a seatbelt and racing.
Toyota and Discovery Education announces the launch of a new program that promotes safety when driving a car for teens who are learning how to drive a car.
Preventable crashes are due to not learning how to drive a car safely. Student input helps teens learn to drive safely and reduces fatalities when driving a car.
The B.R.A.K.E.S. (Be Responsible And Keep Everyone Safe) teen safe-driving program is helping teens learn how to drive a car safely.
These campaigns are part of a growing concern about the need for teens to learn how to drive a car in a safe and responsible manner.
Fewer students report riding with alcohol–impaired drivers after attending school-based learning how to drive a car programs.
PEI plans to raise the age for zero alcohol limit when driving a car. Teens, even by age 19, have not yet learned how to drive a car safely and responsibly.
Drugs have adverse effects on judgment, reaction time and motor skills – critical for driving a car especially for teens just learning how to drive a car safely.
A learner’s permit means your teen can start “learning” how to drive a car – not driving a car. Here are practice tips when teens learn to drive.
The CDC find parents are key for teens learning how to drive a car. Parental guidance when teens learn to drive is a factor in teen safety when driving a car.
Learning how to drive a car requires extra caution when passing. Your ability to judge clearance to pass safely improves with your experience in driving a car.
Seatbelts separate car crashes from fatal car crashes. They save lives. Why don’t teens, inexperienced in how to drive a car, wear them when driving a car?
As you teach your teen how to drive a car be aware of the deadly driving games teens play while driving a car and the thousands of teens who die playing them.
Teens Learn to Drive is a Canadian non-profit organization focused on reducing death and serious injury on the roads.
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