Although vehicles take up the most space on roads, it is important to remember that drivers are not the only users of the roads. As a driver, it is your responsibility to stay aware and cautious of pedestrians, bicyclists and motorcyclists around you. Most bicyclists and motorcyclists follow the exact same street rules as drivers, and pedestrians frequently need to cross roads. It is important to give space and always keep an eye out for others around you, no matter what mode of transportation they are travelling by.
In 2019, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration posted statistics in the United States revealing 846 bicyclists, 6,205 pedestrians and 5,014 motorcyclists had been killed in collisions with vehicles during the year. With so many users sharing the road, it is essential for drivers to be extra cautious, as they are the biggest threat to those around them.
It is also important to learn the hand gestures of bicyclists to know what their next intentions are while riding, such as turning left and right. For pedestrians, eye contact should always be established with the vehicle driver(s) when crossing or walking on the road. Vehicles are already highly dangerous machines, but even more so when they are around unprotected people who don’t have the benefit of airbags, seatbelts and more. The road does not belong to vehicle drivers; it belongs to a variety of people, and all drivers must show respect and take extra precautions to protect those around them.