Choosing a driving school isn’t difficult, but it isn’t easy either! Not all driving schools are the same. Do your research to find the driving school that will best prepare your teen for the road.
Each school varies in price and quality. When doing your search, it’s important to focus on quality rather than price. However, this doesn’t mean that going with the most expensive option will always give your teen the best education. Also, if you end up just choosing the cheapest option, you will most likely be sacrificing the quality of education that your teen is receiving. There are several factors, other than price, that should be looked at before enrolling in lessons.
Typically, there are two different types of driving schools. The first one trains drivers how to drive a car so that they can pass their test and get their license. The second one provides drivers with the skills to become responsible, proactive drivers. Essentially, you want to find a school that does the latter.
What are some things to look for? Try to find a driving school that provide significant in-car instruction as well as a thorough curriculum of the dangers of driving. Ask questions to make sure you are choosing the right school!
- Do the instructors use progress reports? Knowing what you should improve on is great for practicing at home!
- What certifications do they have? Make sure the instructors have proper training!
- What do previous students say about their program? Added bonus if students recommend the school!
- Is the school recognized by your insurance company? Most companies offer a discount on insurance if drivers complete lessons!
You want to make sure that the driving school you choose has a good reputation. Ensuring that the school and all its instructors have proper credentials is essential. Many websites have lists of approved driving schools that you can use to start your search.
One of the best ways to choose a quality driving school is to ask your friends and family! They may have had both good and bad experiences with driving schools in the past and it’s great to know which schools they recommend and which schools they recommend to avoid. Grab information about a variety of schools from friends and family to see which school has the qualities that best fit your teen!