Tips and Tricks to Prepare You for the Road Ahead

Driving plays a crucial role in our life. Driving schools are a necessary tool to help you master the skills you need to drive. Everything you learn there, no matter how small, is crucial information to know. What should you do if you’re stopped by police or involved in a collision? How can you save money on your insurance? How do I plan a road trip?

You don’t know what you don’t know. TL2D can help. We’ve been working to prepare teens like you, for more than 10 years. We have tips and videos to help you be prepared for whatever happens. We provide you with fun learning and tips, videos and games to help you better understand driving.

This is a game that can be played by teens. It shows the effects of distracted driving. Moreover, cell phones are a huge distraction because technology is constantly advancing.  Distracted driving is harmful to not only yourself but to the people around you. Toyota created a game for teens like you to understand what distracted driving looks and feels like. It gives the real life experience without the real life consequences and helps you understand why it is dangerous. Click on the image to check out the cool game.

Sharing the Road with Trucks Bookmark

truck driving safety glovebox bookmark

back of truck driving safety glovebox bookmark

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