We all have those days. The hot sun is piercing your car window. The car in front is moving slowly as you brake once again. You’re stuck in traffic. Again. As slow as traffic can be, it can also be tremendously dangerous and unsafe.
Here are some safety tips for the next time you’re stuck in traffic.
- Remove all distractions
This is an important one. When you’re stuck in traffic, reading or sending that text can be tempting. You might think you should use the time to catch up with a long-time friend.
This is when you should really avoid distractions. In heavy traffic, drivers are likely to become impatient and will do anything to drive by faster. Taking this into account, removing all distractions will help you be alert and aware of the conditions on the road. Next time you’re stuck in traffic, turn your cellphone on silent, turn down the music, and avoid anything that will distract you on the road.
2. Leave enough space between you and the car in front of you
This is a tricky one! In busy traffic, drivers often creep up and tailgate. As a safe drive, always follow the three-second rule, even in traffic. This way, if the driver in front of you decides to unexpectedly hit their brake, you’ll have enough time to react.
3. Remain Calm
Being stuck in traffic can be frustrating and exhausting. Stay calm, relaxed and focused on the road.
4. Exit or stop at a local coffee shop for the traffic to die down
If you’re feeling too overwhelmed or uncomfortable, take the nearest exit! Leave the area and wait until the conditions on the road become safer before driving again.