Driving Lesson 4 (SP)

“Basic Parking Skills” Structured Practice 

Learn How to Drive a Car: Parking

As you learn how to drive a car, you will find there are lots of different ways to park cars.  900 parking is the kind of parking you’ll do most often.  Learning to park is important as you learn how to drive a car plus it helps you perfect your maneuvering skills and backing up skills.

When you park your car in a defined parking space it’s important to stay within the painted lines with an equal amount of space on both sides of the car.  This way you and your passenger can get in and out of the vehicle easily.  It will also help protect your car from the car doors of the vehicles parked on either side of you.

It’s also important to pull fully into the spot so your car doesn’t stick out further than other vehicles.  The front bumper should be close to the end line of the space.  When you’re finished, you should be perfectly within the painted lines.

The Coach should be outside of the car.  Stand on the sidelines and direct the driver, for at least the first few attempts so they can get the hang of it.


  • The radio should be off.
  • Keep your window open so you can hear your coach’s instructions.
  • Do not use your gas pedal.  You can move slowly and stay in control by just lifting your foot off the brake.
  • Hover your foot over the brake so you can stop quickly when you need to.

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